EU CoR Open Days & ICT2015

This October ICoSOLE performed two further successful trials & demonstrations of its latest develop­ments.

13th European Week of Regions and Cities

ICoSOLE was invited to demonstrate its Wall of Moments at the Open Days of the Committee of Regions in Brussels from 13 to 15 October. About 40 journalists and students were active as test users of the ICoSOLE app and used it to record content. ICoSOLE helped them to cover an event that would be otherwise impossible to report on due to its widespread nature.

The Wall of Moments was installed in the press room of the Jacques Delors Building and displayed Moments from the many locations of the the Open Days across Brussels.

The Wall of Moments installed at the COR press room
The Wall of Moments installed at the COR press room

ICT 2015

From 20 to 22 October ICT2015 took place in Lisbon, Portugal. ICoSOLE had a booth in the exhibition in the Innovate Area, where we were able to present the Capture App, the Wall of Moments, the Core System and the Smart TV App.

Portugal’s President Aníbal Cavaco Silva and EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Science Günther Oettinger opening the Exhibition
Portugal’s President Aníbal Cavaco Silva and EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Science Günther Oettinger opening the Exhibition



Both events were excellent opportunities to test our latest developments and to disseminate information around ICoSOLE!